• Prints multiple labels with the same name & address fields.
• Prints the phone book to Day-Timers B, C, J, K & L sizes and user definable size.
• Allows page breaks on letters in phone book.
• Added modem dialing Fast/Compatible option.
Version 3.3.0
• Added 2 more return addresses.
• Speeded up loading and saving of the list file. Loading is 5 times faster on an SE/30 or PowerBook 170 and about twice as fast on an IIfx. Saving is twice as fast on an SE/30 or PowerBook 170 and about 1.4 times on an IIfx.
• "Work with Fax Modem" in the "Dial Setup" dialog closes the Driver after each number is dialed and allows a fax to be sent with Address Book open.
• Prints US bar codes on labels.
Version 3.4.0
Fixed many oversights, faux pas and bugs.
Version 3.5.0
• US Post Bar codes can be printed in the new preferred position above the name and address.
• Added “Sort by Mailing Code” and ability to mark groups of ZIPs or Can. post codes for bulk mailings.
• Names in the Index can be colored relative to categories.
• Phone Numbers dialog can now store 3 configurations.
• Added prefix exceptions to automatically remove the trailing period when the name is flipped.
• Added dial through speaker from keyboard. Hit “+” to initiate. Responds to number & letter keys. Enter or other than a normal dialing key to cancel.
Version 3.6.0
• Create Subsets. The “Display & Use” menu will confine active records to those in selected categories or records which have been marked.
• Alphabetical index added at right side of Index Window. Clicking on a letter takes you to the first record beginning with that letter.
• You can now have 2 to 8 columns in the Index.
• A further speed up in the loading and saving of list files. The increase depends on the computer & drive. Minimal increase with small files.
PowerBook 170
Load 700 records in 3.5 secs. Was 7 secs. Load 4000 records in 10 secs. Was 27.
Quadra 950 and an Apple 160SC drive
Load 700 records in 2 secs. Was 5 secs. Load 4000 records in 7 secs. Was 25.
Note: This speed enhancement could not be implemented in the DA.
• The font in the View, Edit & New record windows can be changed from the system font (Chicago).
• Added “Find duplicate names”.
• You can include a “Salutation” after the name such as “!Mr. & Mrs.” after the name in the name field (the exclamation point causes the salutation to flip properly).
• The Print envelope dialog now has the option to “Swap Addressee & Sender” to print single or batches of self addressed envelopes with the recipients' return address already on them.
• The printing media selected is remembered. You no longer have to continually reselect the paper size or printer tray.
• To copy names and addresses from a word processor, copy the name and address to the clipboard, bring Address Book foremost with the Index or View record windows open and press command-V. See the Help “Copy & Paste” > “Pasting from the clipboard”.
• Pressing “e” in the Index or view record windows copies the first line of the Info. field to the clipboard. For copying “Email” addresses.
• Added export to HP95LX format.
Version 3.6.1
• Fixed a few bugs.
Version 3.6.2
• Added option to dial with the DeskTop Dialer™
• Added Glossary feature with 13 items.
• Added printing to 5" * 3" Rolodex cards.
• Speeded up cursor scroll in Index window.
• Updated Index and View Record before some dialogs close.
Version 3.6.3
• Added option to omit the name field on labels.
• Added option to omit the addressee when printing on “window” envelopes.
• Added option to switch to modem dialing if “Fax” appeared in the phone number.
Version 3.6.4
• Saved print records (Page Setups) in the AdBk prefs file instead of in the application so they do not have to be reset with each upgrade.
• Fixed bug where Phone Book index could print garbage if the record name was less than 3 characters.
• Fixed bug in Glossary insertion.
Version 3.6.5
• Fixed bug when using command-C to copy from the Edit Record window.
• Corrected modem on line delay to allow for commas in the phone number prefix fields.
Version 3.6.6
• Now allows 300 font names in the “Select Font” Popup menu.
• Rewrote the “Set Aside” routines.
• Installed new desktop icons.
• Added Print Name Tab check box to the print flip cards dialog.
• Fixed bug where adding a new record did not update the record count in the Index Window title.
Version 3.6.7
• Fixed bug which killed the “Find” type ahead buffer.
• Displays the phone numbers setup at launch.
• Added time adjustment to the modem “redial if busy.”
• Fixed bug when scrolling through records in the categories dialog.
• Modified “Fast Modem Dialing” to work with Hayes modems.
• Fixed bug in Phone Book printing which truncated fields to 6 lines when a large font size was selected and occasionally caused a crash.
• Rewrote speaker dialing routine to work with AVs.
• Fixed bug in exporting to HP95LX.
Version 3.6.8
• Fixed bug in “Copy” when in Edit or New Record dialogs.
• Fixed bug when trapping extra carriage returns in Edit or New Record dialogs.
• Added Rolodex 8 cards per sheet option.
Version 3.6.9
• Fixed bug in printing that could cause crash in Macs with limited RAM.
• Modified the v3.6.7 new speaker routine dialing to work with the Mac Plus & SE.
• Added display of which Phone setup when “w” is pressed in Index or View Record windows. "W" first displays the record modified date. Hit again to see the phone setup. Prefixing phone numbers with "~" forces a local number to use the long distance setup and vice versa.
• Restored allowing modem to hang up after zero rings and installed an alert if set to zero regarding auto redial is inoperative.
• Modem redial if busy now includes any optional access code.
• Corrected page breaks when printing the Phone Book with multiple columns on a full page.
• Fixed a bug in the Text to Address Book utility that caused a crash when importing word processor files.
• Fixed a bug that caused a crash when the Dialing Setup is opened.
• Fixed a bug which caused a crash when the "Normal Settings" button is pressed.
• Fixed bugs that caused Address Book to forget return address in prefs file when printing envelopes, and froze the screen in the Prefs & Help dialing setup dialog.
• New registration and technical support lines: (416) 975-3875 (voice); (416) 975-8524 (Fax).
• Print Labels now has "Normal," "Format to Left," and "Center" justification.
• Large labels can have the envelope logo and sender at the top.
• Added option to use a color PICT, as well an an icon, in a return address on an envelope or a label.
• User can "enhance" (two sizes larger and bold) the top line of the envelope or label sender, and the top and/or bottom lines of the envelope or label addressee.
• Added "Address a Label" option.
• Added option to fix the envelope addressee position.
• User can now name and define all envelope sizes.
• Print Envelopes now supports Laserwriter 8 driver.
• Added options to print Paper Direct "Laser One-Ups" labels and "Four per sheet" postcards.
• Added "Categories Not Selected" and "Unmarked Records" under the Display & Use Menu.
• Added support for high-bit ASCII character sets; when a Cyrillic font is selected for the Index window, the list is sorted first by the Roman, and then the Cyrillic alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet, minus the "hard" characters, is added to the "Thumb" index down the right side of the window.
• Added support for Japanese fonts.
• Added export to Psion3a, Sharp Wizard, and Newton file formats.
• New hot key "y" copies the number in the third phone field to the clipboard. If fax numbers are always in the third phone field, they can easily be copied and pasted into a Fax program. See the expanded Online Help for the full list of Hot Keys and Command Keys.
• In the Index window, press shift and a letter to go to that page; same as clicking on that letter in the "Thumb" index on the right side.
• Hold down the Command key and drag Address book to any position on the screen. If Address Book is moved, press "G" to take it back to that position.
• Added "Autocapitalize Name & Address" to New and Edit Record windows.
• "Redial When Busy" through the modem sounds through the Mac speaker when the line is free and the number is ringing.
• When using the Desktop Dialer, Address Book now detects when the phone is hung up, and automatically logs call duration.
• Added "Sort by Address," which sorts by the first line of the address field, or uses the name field if the Address Field is empty. When sorting by address, Address Book sorts numbers by ASCII value, rather than by the numeric value used in sorting the name field. This puts the 1, 10, 100, etc. before the 2, 20, 200, etc.
• Sort by Mail Code now works with U.K. postal codes.
• Fixed conflict with System 7.5's Windowshade Control Panel.
• Fixed bug which caused omission of end of page line while printing phone book on an Imagewriter.
• Fixed a couple of bugs that caused bus errors.
• Revised DA now has its own Preferences and On-line Help.
• Fixed bug in export to Newton 100.
• Added support for Slovenian fonts.
• Fixed a bug in Category sorting.
• Fixed bug that displayed odd characters in Save dialog box.
• Fixed bug that caused a freeze when launching applications from the Apple menu when Address Book was the foremost window.
• Fixed bug that caused Address Book to crash when Stylewriter 2400 driver selected in Chooser.
• Fixed problem that caused a crash on PowerMac 7100, 7200, and 7500s.
Version 3.7.1
• Added "Select Port" pull-down menu in the Dialing Setup dialog box to accomodate internal modems in PowerBooks; Address Book is now compatible with the Apple Communication Toolbox.
• The Index window can now display a single column of names, with the first line of the Address field.
• Added a "Hide Text" feature in the name field; characters inside curly brackets {} are suppressed during printing.
• Automated the "Print Flyer" selection in the Print Envelopes dialog box.
• The dialer can now dial letters as well as numbers in the Phone Number fields.
• Added three levels of password protection to list files.
• Added several preset sizes of metric laser labels from Samuel Jones & Co. to the Print Labels pull-down menu.
• Added messages to title bar during Find record (Command-F).
• Fixed bug causing a crash when pasting into a new record.
• Added link from the Password dialog Help button.
• Fixed bug where deleting records in Display & Use, other than "All Records", would move cursor to an off-screen record, thus if Delete is chosen again, the off-screen record would be offered for deletion rather than one displayed.
• A "Route code" now requires a preceding space. This is to allow a tilde to be included in an email address.
• Fixed page break bug when printing the Phone Book with "Section Each Category" selected to and printing "n Columns on a Full Page".
• Added paste from "Prophone" records on clipboard. In ProPhone, you tag a single or multiple records (double clicking) then press Command-L. This brings up a dialog in ProPhone asking for record format: Choose "Comma-delimited ASCII", click "Tagged Entries" then click OK. They are now all on the clipboard. Bring AdBk to the front, press Command-v and the new records are entered.
• Fixed bug which removed the Category color code when displaying records "In Selected Categories" (Thanks To Harry Ehrlich for reporting this one).
• Added option to over-ride the “Inhibit This Area Code” by preceding the phone number with an exclamation mark.
• Now includes the patch number with the version number in the title bar when the v key is pressed.
Version 3.7.2
• Fixed bug causing crashes when hitting the Print button in the Phone Book dialog.
• Increased memory available for printing.
• Removed the command-A key stroke option for “Address An Envelope” and changed the command-A used for “Auto Capitalize” in the New record & Edit record windows to command-J. (Had complaints about conflict with the standard use of Command-A to Select All )
• Marking and Find now about twice as fast.
• Replace is up to 4 times faster depending on number of replacements made.
• Added “Flip Name” test to Edit and New Record windows by pressing command/option-F.
• When a glossary item is inserted by hitting the space bar then the cursor is backed up to the last inserted character rather than after the space.
Glossary items like “PO Box ” should now include the space at the end but not “New York NY 100” allowing the user to simply key in the rest of the zip.
• PICT logos were lost if a new AdBk prefs file was created. The envelope PICT logos are now copied from the AdBk prefs file into the Address Book application’s resource and should a new preferences be file is created, they are copied to this new AdBk prefs file.
• Added export to Supra’s FAXcillitate’s Address Book.
• Edit Record window now indicates when the last, or first, record is reached when using the Next or Prev buttons to scroll through the records. Address Book beeps and shows a message in the title bar.
• Now fully tested with 65,000 records but requires about 40 Meg of RAM allocated to Address Book to work with 65,000 records.
• Reworked memory assignment for the list file to use available memory rather than allocating memory for a specific number of records. This allows large bulk pastes from ProPhone.
• In conjunction with the above, rework Merger to do larger merges more easily.
• Reworked US Postal Bar Code printing to meet the exact specs.
• US bar code now adds the Delivery Point bars derived from the last two digits of the first group of digits in the address field. This should be a street number.
1234 Main Street
Apt 987
Apt 987
1234 Main Street.
• All dialogs will automatically cancel after 10 minutes. This allows tasks such as scheduled automatic hard disk backups to function.
• Made the thumb index work with an ampersand “@” as the first character in the name field.
Version 4.0
• Modification required to run on PowerMac and MacOS 8.1.
Version 4.0.4
Following Bug fixed:
• Crash while printing envelopes.
• Export not creating file.
• Repainting index screen.
• Export putting out bad phone number on "strip 1" from phone number.
• Modem dialing dropping into dialog, not hangup correctly.
• Crash on pasteing a large logo PICT from enveloping printing.
• Preference option to Open Find Dialog on startup woring improperly.
• Problem with Speaker dial on some PPC models.
• Removed the "Replace All" option from replace dialog.
Version 4.0.5
Following Bug fixed:
• Password not working.
• Navigation with arrow keys in view mode not working correctly fixed.
• All popup menus reprogramed, old routines caused problems which resulted in freeze or Type 1 of 2 errors.
• Printing to HP Printer now working.
Version 4.0.6
Following Bug fixed:
• Dialing Setup option.
• Envelope size menu.
Version 4.0.7
Following Bug fixed:
• Tested on iMac (no problem found).
• Find-Search.
• Cap-Lock hang-up.
• Password problem.
• Printing ' character as last character of name when stored with brackets.
• Problem with Mail Batch (zip code select) dialog.
Version 4.0.8
• Routine to locate preference file has been improved.
• Address Book application, and associated files now use Installer VISE from MindVision Software for installation.
Version 4.0.9
• Correct bug in 68k version which effected search commands to fail. This correction does not effect PPC.
Version 4.0.10
• Change most dialogs from modal to movable. This will allow switching to another application while a dialog window is active. Can be used for copy and paste operations.
• Dialog "Time out feature" is now control by an option in the preference. User can selec to have this option active of not.
• Added Balloon Help for menus and dialogs (most).
Version 4.1
• Fixed a potential problem which would result in the Address Book list being deleted,